Tuesday, August 2, 2011

something to show my past self

(who exists here too):

http://xkcd.com/137/ !!!



the xylophone on this song is the sweetest thing ever, pretty much. it makes me feel so emotional (emotional meaning one or more of the following: sad, bittersweet, happy, girly, pretentious, madly in love, pms-y, etc.)

(the song is "in this hole" by cat power. it's the what would the community think version, not the covers record version.)

i'm sorry for not posting more! if anyone wants to read what i write!!! exclamation points!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


i made this blog a year and six days ago.

maybe this time around i will write about stuff that is actually interesting/relevant/entertaining!

and my two-month anniversary with my boyfriend was two months and a day ago. these past two months have been very happy indeed!

i feel DEEP

after listening to cat power and "maybe i'm amazed" and reading some of spencer tweedy's blog i began to feel "deep." i want to write about some intense and wonderful and complex topic and be wordy and emotional and insightful!

and i'm already being wordy! this is good.

i don't have anything to write about, but... watch out. or something. hopefully something good will come from this!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

love love LOVE

three things i love ( i don't know the order yet )

- my boyfriend

- water

- U2


- he is amazing and happy and talented and.... and yeah!!

- i drank four entire glasses of ice water when i got home from the...

- U2 CONCERT!!!!!!!!!! i probably would've cried multiple times if i wasn't dehydrated the whole time. IT WAS FUCKING EPIC. i have no other words. (so that was kind of pointless. oh well.)

uh what else. that's it for now.

Monday, April 18, 2011


maybe i should post these daily..... mayBE!!

the new strokes album really makes me think EIGHTIES. even though the album artwork is older than that. i wonder if anyone else thinks that... i finally listened to the whole thing. "life is simple in the moonlight" is my favorite song on there, PROBABLY.

damn this feels kind of pointless. i'll say more next time i swear...!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


my mom got me a fancy-ish white collared shirt for my birthday and i wore it today. no matter how many times i look at myself in the mirror and see that i am not thin or cool-looking, i feel awesome. it reminds me of photos of sonic youth from...1998. WHEN I WAS THREE. they're very simple but kind of peaceful and kind of really pretty. but i love my shirt. sonic-self-confidence shirt.... sonic is my new adjective.

mostly this picture http://www.last.fm/music/Sonic+Youth/+images/4402013

they are such a good looking band.... (in my humble opinion which may or may not be actually humble)