I love the Office with a fiery passion. I watched it on three separate occasions last night even though I'd seen one of the episodes before.
last night I picked up my dad's bass guitar and played it for a while. I think I could be a bassist if I really wanted to |D it sounded really cool. I can play part of this song ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2za82wDzcg ) now :'D I might might MIGHT be starting to get Sonic Youth a little more...
earlier yesterday I volunteered at a shelter and we served lunch under a bridge to a bunch of homeless people. it was AWESOME. it felt really nice to help all these people :) and while we were making sack lunches one of the guys working there was playing the Allman Brothers Band and I recognized most of the songs. I forgot to mention that to my dad last night at dinner >.>
and there is a war going on in my family regarding the free Dr. Evil standup I saved from being recycled at the middle school that I don't even go to any more |D we hide it in the shower and in front of our bedroom doors to scare each other. my sister screams so loud when she sees it X'D
and I'm having dreams about math class a lot .__. usually I deam about the last day of school over summer vacation but this time it's just math class.
...fudge I'm out of things to say ;-; someday I will write something awesome in this blog.
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