Wednesday, June 23, 2010


...hello world!! there was so much stuff running through my head when I started to make this blog and now I have no idea what to say....

...the title thingy is from a white stripes song from the fabulous album Elephant. my nonexistent band can play it very well and Kaitlin likes to practice the bass drum during class... bum bum bum bum.... until her foot hurts!

she cannot do that at the moment because school is over. we've just completed our first year of high school and to me it doesn't feel like it's over at all... the weather is shit (I like to swear. I swear a lot. Kaitlin says that not seeing Allison swear is like not seeing the sun rise. if this offends you, you can leave.) and the end of high school is so differnet than the end of elementary school and middle school. it used to be like "heyyyy let's have a party", like walking down a hill or something, and now it's like "FINALSFINALSFINALS we're gonna fucking DIEEEE" so that's more like... running uphill till you jump off a cliff!! 8D

I don't know. but it feels like I have unfinished busines or something at the high school.

I'm reading books by Chuck Klosterman and this man is a fucking genius.

I need to find a place to list all the bands I like. right now I'm listening to Tonight's the Night by Neil Young whose music I love very much. that album is fucking fantastic. it's like "hey... this is a good song. hey, THIS is a good song. hey, I like THIS song too..." I was about to name this blog "world on a string." his songs make good titles for blogs. I listen to a lot of his songs and think "hey I recognize this!!" because my dad loves his music too. this is a case where my dad says "this guy is an idiot [because of his politics] but he's an amazing musician." apparrently (just forgot how to spell that o__O) my dad has brainwashed me into liking Neil. all the people who don't like him tell me that... uh.

uhh. the computer's gonna log me off because of parental controls TT__TT I'll rant more tomorrow, maybe.